

Good question.


Human Rights Tribunal finds Ottawa discriminated against First Nations children

Canadian government failing to comply with ruling on First Nations child welfare: tribunal

Also if you’ve got the time, this article by Cindy Blackstock on the historical significance of the racial discrimination of First Nations children in Canada is worth reading:

Cindy Blackstock: The long history of discrimination against First Nations children




Staff did a really stupid and stealthy hotfix to the messaging system, where the new IM noises are incredibly loud, annoying screaming, laughing, ‘creepy’ noises in “””Halloween Spirit”””

if you don’t want to be harassed by these god-awful panic inducing noises then just go to your Settings >

Dashboard tab > 

and make sure that your messaging sounds are turned OFF, to the LEFT

y’all should probably spread this post to avoid causing anyone panic attacks from random, loud BWAHAHAHAs.

Yaya this just spooked me too! I’m chatting with a friendo and every time I sent or revived a message I heard a sound and it scared me so much T_T Please be careful okay pals?? This is how you can turn them off!!!



OKAY, GUYS, this is just a quick word of warning if you currently have your sound muted or if you’re on mobile. There are HALLOWEEN NOISES for publishing posts, when you send an IM, and when an IM is received. So far, I’ve had a ghost keen, a grown, a scream, and a moan. If unprovoked noises freak you out, mute your computer or stay mobile till MIDNIGHT EST going into the first of November. 
Feel free to reblog ❤ 

Government of Canada Announces Mental Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples


The new toll-free number for the First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line is 1‑855‑242-3310.


OTTAWA, Oct. 17, 2016 /CNW/ – Left untreated, mental illness can be incredibly damaging to individuals and communities, and supports need to be both accessible and culturally appropriate. That is why the Government of Canada is committed to working with First Nations and Inuit leaders, as well as provincial and territorial governments, to provide effective, sustainable and culturally appropriate mental wellness programs and services for First Nations and Inuit.

Today, the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, announced the launch of the national toll-free First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line. The Help Line, which started operation on October 1, provides immediate, culturally competent, telephone crisis intervention counselling support for First Nations and Inuit, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Counsellors can also work with callers to identify follow-up services they can access. Counselling is available in English and French and, upon request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktut.

Health Canada will continue to work with Indigenous leaders to develop a long-term plan to address mental health issues being faced by Indigenous peoples.

Continue Reading.

Government of Canada Announces Mental Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples





headcanon that since the slytherin common room is under the lake there’s a room where the walls and ceiling are glass and you can just see into the lake like an aquarium

headcanon that when this was first done the mermaids got really aggressive and hateful about it and started ramming the glass but since it was magic this just caused them injuries

until a deaf/hoh slytherin started to teach them sign language and it took a long time bit by the time they left hogwarts they and the rest of the house were communicating with the mermaids and on good terms

eventually it becomes a part of slytherin house culture you’re a slytherin you know sign language because if you don’t chat with the mermaids they get grumpy

this helps a lot of deaf/hoh students

this also gives slytherin the best grades of any house on all aquatic magical studies

the mermaids give terrible dating advice do not trust them

The most common mermaid dating advice, of course, being “Drown him”



Indigenous protesters made to pay $1,500 for stickering ‘deeply offensive’ costumes


Protesters challenging the sale of costumes depicting stereotypes of First Nations people in Montreal stores ended up stuck with a hefty bill Friday night.

According to organizer Jessica Deer, police made the group pay $1,500 or face arrest for mischief for affixing stickers reading “We’re not costumes: Say no to cultural appropriation” to the packaging of numerous costumes at one store. […]

Indigenous protesters made to pay $1,500 for stickering ‘deeply offensive’ costumes