

The guinea pig is not known as a smart or reliable steed, nor even a terribly fast one, although they can put on a good scrambling turn of speed when panicked (often into walls, while uttering a frantic “WHEEP! WHEEP!” as they go.) But they’re cute and good-natured and exceedingly docile, and they utter a charming purr when happy, so people insist on thinking they’re a good mount for the elderly and infirm. This has led to the regrettably common sight in many cities—first the distant piercing “WHEEP! WHEEP!” and the thin screams of the invalid tied to it, then the scrabbling gallop of the frightened saddle guinea, then at last, it comes into view, a panicky cavy charging through the streets, bowling over the populace, flailing senior in the saddle hauling uselessly on the ears (they’re steered by the ears, but not well) causing havoc, knocking over melon carts and market stalls, before at last the whoops of terror fade into the distance, another guinea hit-and-run come and gone. – Ursula Vernon

Six years ago, when I sat down and wrote the essay “Men Explain Things to Me,” here’s what surprised me: though I began with a ridiculous example of being patronized by a man, I ended with rapes and murders. We tend to treat violence and the abuse of power as though they fit into airtight categories: harassment, intimidation, threat, battery, rape, murder. But I realize now that what I was saying is: it’s a slippery slope. That’s why we need to address that slope, rather than compartmentalizing the varieties of misogyny and dealing with each separately. Doing so has meant fragmenting the picture, seeing the parts, not the whole.

A man acts on the belief that you have no right to speak and that you don’t get to define what’s going on. That could just mean cutting you off at the dinner table or the conference. It could also mean telling you to shutup, or threatening you if you open your mouth, or beating you for speaking, or killing you to silence you forever. He could be your husband, your father, your boss or editor, or the stranger at some meeting or on the train, or the guy you’ve never seen who’s mad at someone else but thinks “women” is a small enough category that you can stand in for “her.” He’s there to tell you that you have no rights.

Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit (via sociolab)

“We tend to treat violence and the abuse of power as though they
fit into airtight categories: harassment, intimidation, threat, battery,
rape, murder. But I realize now that what I was saying is: it’s a
slippery slope.”

I ate some fish by accident :/

My brother told the restaurant to not include any fish, but they used artificial crab meat. Which most people don’t know is actually made of fish.

I thought it was noodles until I finished my meal and glanced at the plate.



“money can’t buy happiness” no offense but I’m at least 40% happier when I actually have money to take care of myself and do fun things… just sayin…

FUN FACT: psychologists and sociologists have actually studied this and it turns out money DOES in fact buy happiness but only up to a certain salary (I think its a little under $100,000 a year idk exactly), basically like once you make enough money that you don’t worry about not having enough money to live and also can do nice things occasionally, so “money can’t buy happiness” is a saying invented by rich people for rich people and they just say it to poor people cause they don’t want to give up their money

– The single study (from Princeton University)
stated $75 000 per year
– It only studied Americans
– It also found that most Americans (85%) felt happy regardless of income

Original Study: “High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being”

– Other countries & cultures have different outcomes regarding the link between money and happiness
– Other studies have suggested that it’s not about the money but more how you use it (e.g. for experiences > material goods, for others > for yourself) and your outlook on life that determines happiness


ways to make carrie fisher proud 

  • age without apologies 
  • don’t apologize for mental illness
  • make mental illness okay
  • fight dictators and evil empires
  • never apologize for being you
  • be fierce