
honestly there needs to be more awareness and support for disordered eating that’s not just about body image

shout out to people with spoilage or contamination phobias. to people with very specific food rituals that can’t be disturbed. to people with sensory processing issues that can’t deal with certain textures or flavors. to people that can’t eat food they didn’t see prepared. to people whose foods can’t touch one another because it makes all the alarms in their brain go off. to people whose severe anxiety is reduced to them being “picky eaters”.

your problems are valid; sometime’s it’s not as easy as “just try it”; it’s not rude to refuse food you don’t think you can eat; your diet is no one’s business but yours and your doctors’

Oldest evidence of human cancer discovered in 1.7-million-year-old fossil



A fossilized foot bone found in South Africa is the oldest evidence yet that ancient humans suffered from cancer, scientists say.

The bone, which dates back about 1.7 million years, shows signs of osteosarcoma, or bone cancer.

Scientists can’t say for certain which exact category of early human ancestor the bone belongs to. It was recovered from the Swartkrans cave site, near Johannesburg.

“Modern medicine tends to assume cancers and tumours in humans are diseases caused by modern lifestyles and environments,” said Edward Odes of the University of Witwatersrand, in remarks quoted by New Scientist.

He said finds like this show that human cancer occurred long before modern societies.

Continue Reading.

THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL. Now let’s see if they can sequence it. 100/10

Oldest evidence of human cancer discovered in 1.7-million-year-old fossil


I’m so curious what will happen to Pokemon Go. 

Will it fade into nothingness and become one strange, surreal summer? Will it perpetuate and grow so much that it becomes as embedded into people’s lives as major social media networks? Will it become an embarrassing cash cow with corporate-sponsored PokeStops and franchise-exclusive items and Pokemon? Will CP growth eventually scale out of realistic attainability, like the economies of Neopets and GaiaOnline? 

Only time will tell



also guys i think it’s time to start spelling ‘small’ right again,, it’s been long enough

see the thing is, at this point, smol isn’t even a “mispelling” of small anymore; it has its own connotations. while small is a regular adjective, smol acts more like a diminutive marker, which English has been lacking

in essence, a smol dog will always be a small dog, but not all small dogs are smol.

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