






you know how in musicals the couple will start singing the same song no matter how far apart they are

what if that happened in real life

what if you were just at a restaurant one day and you started rANDOMLY SINGING because your soulmate decided to sing a duet in the shower

Omfg! What if this is why you get a song stuck in your head! Because your soulmate is singing it somewhere!



i dont want to be soulmates with someone who keeps singing cotton eyed joe

stiles falling in love with this up and coming band he’s never heard of and he is downloading their eps as they come out and buying all their merch because one day he suddenly knew the lyrics to songs he’d never heard and fell in love with the music and gosh his soulmate must be a hardcore fan if they know these songs so well so quickly like how tho

and derek is the lead singer and writer for the band and he sings the songs to himself as he write them, and anytime they upload a new set of songs he will have his own album stuck in his head for hours sometimes days after, which makes him incredibly happy because it means his soulmate is out there somewhere loving the music he writes about meeting them someday.

ugh I need this soulmate au to take off and be written like 10 different ways! I need stiles and derek to fall in love with music involved over and over



I love how, because of that “Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure” Onion headline, “cinnamon roll” has become a commonly accepted phrase for “a character who is cute and kind and typically gets more pain in canon than they deserve”.

Like, we didn’t have a real phrase for that common phenomenon (wubbie maybe, but that has negative connotations ie “this character has been wubbiefied by the fandom”) and then someone used a screenshot of a headline from a satire news website to describe it, and then everyone else was like “yes good let’s use this”. You couldn’t make that shit up. I bet there are people who use that phrase now who didn’t even see that headline.

Language is evolving right before our eyes in a very weird and beautiful way and I am very very sorry for future linguists who have to puzzle this shit out.  

Please do not feel sorry for the future linguist they are going to love the heck out of this.





having a flesh vessel is so annoying?????? like they have to be constantly watered, they have to be in specific temperature range to be comfortable, i’ve had a headache for like seven hours and nothing i do will get rid of it,

physical forms are so inconvenient??????????????

I knocked mine over yesterday and scraped off some of the outer barrier and it keeps sending me really annoying warning messages about it

And I really can’t grok the fuel requirements. I either overfill it or forget and let it run on fumes.

Also, the refueling and waste disposal is messy, unpleasant, and poorly designed, and the recharge cycle taking 6-8 hours is just ridiculous.

Why is respect — or lack of it — so potent? Charles Horton Cooley’s 1902 notion of the “looking glass self” explains that we use others’ expressions (smiles), behaviors (acknowledging us) and reactions (listening to us or insulting us) to define ourselves. How we believe others see us shapes who we are. We ride a wave of pride or get swallowed in a sea of embarrassment based on brief interactions that signal respect or disrespect. Individuals feel valued and powerful when respected. Civility lifts people. Incivility holds people down. It makes people feel small.





This isn’t the first time Wood has spoken out, recently he explained how Baltimore police started the Freddie Gray riots. 

In the words of my girl Nina: this man is not a hero. He sat by for years while this went on. However now we have official confirmation of everything we knew to be true, and the backlash he is receiving is further proof.

Shit I seen for myself

this man is not a hero. He sat by for years while this went on. 
this man is not a hero. He sat by for years while this went on. 
this man is not a hero. He sat by for years while this went on.
this man is not a hero. He sat by for years while this went on.