





Queen Rania: Let’s Drop The First ‘I’ In ISIS. There’s Nothing Islamic About Them

LONDON — Queen Rania of Jordan said Thursday evening that there is nothing Islamic about the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS.

Watch the full interview here. 

I think the West is the only place calling them ISIS; the Middle East and elsewhere calls them Daesh. Here’s the thing: Daesh hate being called Daesh. Daesh wants to be called the Islamic State because Daesh thinks it gives them legitimacy and validity. Plus, Daesh is very insulting to them, so I think we should call Daesh Daesh as a fuck you to Daesh.

What does Daesh mean?

Technically, Daesh is an acronym for their full name in Arabic (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham), but it also sounds very similar to Arabic words meaning “one who crushes things underfoot” and “one who sows discord” (“daes” and “dahes”, respectively) so that’s why Arabs like to call them that.

Daesh it is.


Why I didn’t reblog your “missing person” post






  • There’s no date on it.
  • There’s no number to call if we actually do see that person.
  • It’s just a random picture and I have to take your word for it that the person’s name, age, and last known location are all accurate.
  • Therefore:
  • For all I know that kid was found two years ago.
  • Or was never missing.
  • We don’t know if they’re actually missing or if the post was made by an abuser looking for their victim.

log this

Last week a post circulated on Swedish facebook about a missing person. Turns out the woman had changed her identity to get away from her abusive (ex-)husband. Now she has to go through it all again. The police went out and told people to fucking stop spreading posts like these without thinking, and to call the police if you see the person, not some random you’ve never met.

THANK YOU. Also, if there’s no location. Should people be looking for the person around Atlanta? Around Glasgow? Dallas?

And again, because it can’t be said enough, call the cops if you see something, not some random-ass number.

Look if a post has links to news media confirming the info and saying the police are helping to search.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White Supremacist Bikers Are Gathering Together In Anti-Muslim Protest Outside Arizona Mosque 

PHOENIX (Reuters) – About 75 protesters gathered on Friday in Arizona outside a mosque for an anti-Islam demonstration featuring cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, weeks after a similar event in Texas came under attack from two gunmen who had worshiped at the Phoenix center.

Some protesters were armed and carrying guns at the event outside the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix. The event was organized by an Iraq war veteran who posted photos of himself online wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Fuck Islam” on it and waving the U.S. flag.

“This is in response to the recent attack in Texas where 2 armed terrorist(s), with ties to ISIS, attempted Jihad,” the event’s Facebook page said.

It was scheduled to start at 6:15 p.m., about the time evening prayers are taking place inside the center. The rally also features its own cartoon contest, similar to the one targeted in Texas. “I think the whole thing, the cartoon contest especially, I think it’s stupid and ridiculous,” Ritzheimer said, “but it’s what needs to take place in order to expose the true colors of Islam.”

Now you may be asking yourself “Where are the cops? What are they doing about this?.” 

Well, have no fear! Police Chief Joe Yahner is personally involved in arranging public safety around the event, he told CNN affiliate KPHO.“There’s a lot of things in the works. The intelligence related to the crowd is changing all the time,” he said.In fact, he even says

Police will use cameras to record the event “to capture things that go on” and will close roads, said Sgt. Trent Crump, a Phoenix police spokesman.

That’s right. when a bunch of armed bikers come together to terrorize a group of people for their religions you can always count on the police to “keep an eye on things.”

Source / Source / Source



@ some of you on tumblr who are glad about all of the insanely bad weather texas is getting because of texas politics and shit

please shut the fuck up due to the following reasons : 

  • most of texas is in no way prepared to handle this much rain. the average rainfall in north texas for may is four inches, and we’ve gotten something like 17 inches (and it’s been storming here in dallas for the past hour, so that number is going to go up) so telling texans to suck it up because other parts of the world get worse flooding than this every day is just stupid????and???doesn’t make sense????
  • just a couple of weeks ago, parts of texas were bone-dry because of the insane drought we’ve been in for the last five years, and now lands are completely overwhelmed by the water. 
  • yeah our politicians are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist pieces of shit. but there are also a lot of really great and not terrible people here, including lots of LGBTQA+ residents, all of whom really don’t want to drown
  • speaking of drowning, did you know people have died due to this flooding? over 20 people have been reported dead and 13 are missing or dead
  • Houston is practically underwater. Schools are closed all across the area. Thousands of homes have been damaged and destroyed due to flooding. People are literally fucking stranded because of flooding on the roads and are drowning in their cars. 
  • austin isn’t doing that well either! 


To help, please consider donating to the Houston and Austin Red Crosses or the Central Texas relief fund. also please don’t be an asshole and realize that people of all backgrounds are being seriously affected by this weather thank you good bye have a nice day






The epidemic began on September 13, 2005, when Blizzard introduced a new raid called Zul’Gurub into the game as part of a new update. Its end boss, Hakkar, could affect players by using a debuff called Corrupted Blood, a disease that damages players over time, this one specifically doing significant damage. The disease could be passed on between any nearby characters, and would kill characters with lower levels in a few seconds, while higher level characters could keep themselves alive. It would disappear as time passed or when the character died. Due to a programming error, players’ pets and minions carried the disease out of the raid.

Non-player characters could contract the disease but were asymptomatic to it and could spread it to others.[2] At least three of the game’s servers were affected. The difficulty in killing Hakkar may have limited the spread of the disease. Discussion forum posters described seeing hundreds of bodies lying in the streets of the towns and cities. Deaths in World of Warcraft are not permanent, as characters are resurrected shortly afterward.[3] However, dying in such a way is disadvantageous to the player’s character and incurs inconvenience.[4]

During the epidemic, normal gameplay was disrupted. Player responses varied but resembled real-world behaviors. Some characters with healing abilities volunteered their services, some lower-level characters who could not help would direct people away from infected areas, some characters would flee to uninfected areas, and some characters attempted to spread the disease to others.[2] Players in the game reacted to the disease as if there was real risk to their well-being.[5] Blizzard Entertainment attempted to institute a voluntary quarantine to stem the disease, but it failed, as some players didn’t take it seriously, while others took advantage of the pandemonium.[2] Despite certain security measures, players overcame them by giving the disease to summonable pets.[6] Blizzard was forced to fix the problem by instituting hard resets of the servers and applying quick fixes.[3]

The major towns and cities were abandoned by the population as panic set in and players rushed to evacuate to the relative safety of the countryside, leaving urban areas filled to the brim with corpses, and the city streets literally white with the bones of the dead.[7]

please read the full wikipedia article


Orgrimmar during the incident.

This is legitimately one of the most fascinating events in online and/or gaming history to date.

This is honestly one of my favorite Blizz stories after watching a video about it awhile ago.

agenderonna agenderquin have you two seem this?


I opened the door and only Arthur came inside. It’s raining. I couldn’t find the other cat. She’s usually the first to come through the door, so I got slightly worried.

