Motherhood can be joyful. It’s also fucking hard. And we should be allowed to say so, without equivocating, without apologizing. Most of all, we should be allowed to need – and get – support.

These disciplinary tactics, these definitions of good (white, middle-class, straight, monogamous, nuclear, self-sacrificial) motherhood hit me in the first year of my daughter’s life, contributing significantly to my experiences of post-partum depression. Good mothers love their children above all else. Good mothers sacrifice everything. Good mothers stay at home. Good mothers feel grateful. Good mothers love mothering. Good mothers find it all worth it. Good mothers don’t cry all the time, don’t feel completely overwhelmed, don’t want to run away, don’t resent their children, don’t hate their lives, don’t want to kill themselves.


Once some guy mentioned that when i laugh my mouth looks really weird and now whenever i laugh around people i don’t know 100% i cover my lower face with my hands. 

A girl who didn’t like one of my friends told her that her eyes squint different sizes when she smiles, and now whenever she’s happy she look’s down or away.

You’ve gotta be careful with what you say to people, because it might turn their happiness into insecurities.



Warning for auto-play in links

[Raeen Roes/ Angel Haze] – Hip hop, rap

[Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!] – Punk rock

[Gerard Way] – Pop punk

[The Shondes] – Alternative 

[Kokumo] – Classical

[Schmekel] – Punk/alternative

[Good Asian Drivers] – Alternative

[Butch County] – Hard rock

[Heidi Barton Stink] – Rap

[La Roux] – Pop/electronic

[Ruby Rose] – Electronic/pop

[JD Samson] – Electronic/alternative

[Kieran Strange] – Alternative/pop punk

[Rae Spoon] – Indie rock/ folk punk

[Jayne County] – Indie 

[Steam Powered Giraffe] – Alternative

[Antony and the Johnsons] – Art pop/classical

[Geo Wyeth] – Classical/art

[Evan Greer] – Folk punk

[The Cliks] – Indie

[Rosanonymous] – Indie/punk

[Rocco Katastrophe] – Hip hop

[Jordaan Mason] – Undefined genre

Barf Troop!!!! their genre is rap barftroop


you ever notice a lot of stuff is considered poor and gross unless its upper middle class (white) people doing it

food trucks in the 90s were the realm of taco trucks and fairground food and were always considered unhygienic and nasty until all these rich city kids started opening food trucks and now they’re “trendy” and “innovative”

riding your bike to work is only considered geofriendly if you can also afford to drive a car but don’t want to, then you’re saving the earth, everyone else isn’t somehow??

recycling old cheap stuff to be used as furniture and wearing really old clothing is a sign of poverty unless you’re doing it a certain way or wearing a certain kind of old clothing

double standards are gross and you should expose them in your life as much as possible


Even if vaccines did have a link to autism I’d rather have my kid be socially awkward, sensitive, enthusiastic about certain things and possibly a little behind developmentally than, oh, i don’t know… dead???


Happy Transgender* Day of Visibility, everyone! 

Dont forget about your fellow dmab non binary trans* friends of color! Here are some selfies I’ve taken since 2015. We’ve already had so many deaths in the trans* community since the year began, and I am trying my hardest to fight for our space, so join me in the cause; for Leelah Alcorn, Lamia Beard, Taja DeJesus, Penny Proud, Ty Underwood, Yazmin Vash Payne, Melonie Rose, Sherman Edwards, and Blake Brockington, and for US! Our space is and has always been ours, so please dont let people take it away. 

Be proud, be loud, and be heard. I love you all. Be safe everyone, this is OUR day, our YEAR, and our LIFE.

xo 💚




I am Nadika, a 32 yr old trans+intersex person from India. It took me a while to figure out who/what/where etc. of myself, and a bit more to begin the process of being who I was. Pre-everything, but will likely begin HRT Feb 2015. Fingers crossed. I am big, tall and, somewhere, okay with the fact that I will never be as beautiful as I want to be. 

Say hi at

(Had a timeout the last time I tried to submit – hope this one goes through.)

[A full body mirror shot of a girl with curly black hair, wearing a blue top and a red long skirt. She’s holding a blue camera phone and has one arm up holding her head]