do you think it is worth joining livejournal even now? i don’t want to join and find out all of the inception fandom activity has stopped, but i would love to be involved in it and keep the love alive. thank you :)


Oh, anon, this question makes me so sad. (Disclaimer: everything after this is my opinion, and is not meant to be some kind of mandate on how you should live your life on the internet.)

Honestly, the once-thriving fandom community that used to exist on Livejournal is gone. It’s just dead. The only communities I know of that are even active there at this point are the handful of fandom anonymous memes that haven’t moved over to Dreamwidth like FFA and some of the SPN memes; ONTD; the Korean and Japanese ONTD offshoots omonatheydidnt and amaratheydidnt; and some subsections of the Harry/Draco fandom. But everything else is just a ghost town. I still track so many of my LJ friends and I think I’ve seen at maximum one person I follow update their LJ since October.

I’ve actually written multiple articles about the LJ diaspora because I think it’s really sad and it’s such a huge part of our fandom cultural heritage that’s just sitting dormant, and a lot of it has since been locked away. 

You do need to have an LJ to participate in the inception reversebang, but it’s possible that rule might change in the future. I think honestly that in the 2–3 years since the lights went off in LJ land the culture of fandom has changed so much, and Lj itself has changed so much, that the mileage you’d get out of joining just for that one challenge wouldn’t be worth the confusion and hassle of being in a strange, non-intuitive space that’s full of tumbleweeds and not much else.

That said, I will always love LJ, I have a permanent LJ account, and it was my permanent home on the internet from 2001 to roughly 2011, and I still regularly have conversations with LJ people where we just sit around and wish we could all go back to LJ, where we could actually have conversations with each other, and comment threads, and comment parties, and impromptu fic challenge posts, and everything was less public and more intimate and just, better. :((

But in my opinion that ship has sailed, and I think that even though Inception is basically the Last Great LJ Fandom, we need to figure out how to make fandom for ourselves where we’re at now. You can’t go home again. 

that one kid: *raises hand during test* “excuse me, on question 17 there is a mistake that in no way messes up this question or causes any confusion i just wanted to point it out to make myself feel smarter”


Energy East meeting angers citizens over unanswered questions

TransCanada does not “actively participate” in Ontario’s public consultations about its Energy East pipeline, a spokesperson said.

An Ottawa public meeting about the Energy East project got heated last week when 350 citizens showed up with pointed questions about how the giant oil-sands pipeline might impact their waterways. Many were flummoxed they were not getting straight answers.

That might be because TransCanada says it does not actively participate in these kinds of Ontario government public consultations about its $12-billion pipeline.

The company did not take to the mic, nor make any formal presentations. It’s not even clear if its employees attended the Jan.22 event.

That put the Ontario Energy Board, which put on the consultation, in the awkward spot of addressing the citizens’ questions on the company’s behalf.

“The pipeline runs through my farm,” Doug McKay said to the board’s official, into the mic.

“And you’re telling me that if there is a chance of a spill, TransCanada is telling you that they’re simply just going to stop the Rideau River?”

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